Leading PERFORMANCE Marketing & DEMAND GENERATION Agency for FAST MOVING B2B Software Companies


Create, capture, and convert inbound demand to grow pipeline and profit.

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60+ satisfied customers
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#1 Revenue Marketing Agency DACH
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4.8 out of 5 on Google
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Demand CreationDemand Creation
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Demand CaptureDemand Capture
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Demand conversionDemand Conversion
Revenue MarketingRevenue Marketing
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60+ B2B Software Companies trust us with their marketing budget
6€ in pipeline for every 1€ in spend
18% YoY growth of opportunities in DACH
Drove over $1.5 Mio. in pipeline via paid media in 6 months
133 B2B customers in 2023
Scaled inbound to become the #1 pipeline source
Revenue marketing strategy & implementation from scratch
Implemented a holistic demand generation strategy
10X more pipeline in DACH
All-time high in inbound website requests after 6 months
Helped scale from 36 to over 250 employees
6€ in pipeline for every 1€ in spend
18% YoY growth of opportunities in DACH
Drove over $1.5 Mio. in pipeline via paid media in 6 months
133 B2B customers in 2023
Scaled inbound to become the #1 pipeline source
Revenue marketing strategy & implementation from scratch
Implemented a holistic demand generation strategy
10X more pipeline in DACH
All-time high in inbound website requests after 6 months
Helped scale from 36 to over 250 employees
6€ in pipeline for every 1€ in spend
18% YoY growth of opportunities in DACH
Drove over $1.5 Mio. in pipeline via paid media in 6 months
133 B2B customers in 2023
Scaled inbound to become the #1 pipeline source
Revenue marketing strategy & implementation from scratch
Implemented a holistic demand generation strategy
10X more pipeline in DACH
All-time high in inbound website requests after 6 months
Helped scale from 36 to over 250 employees
6€ in pipeline for every 1€ in spend
18% YoY growth of opportunities in DACH
Drove over $1.5 Mio. in pipeline via paid media in 6 months
133 B2B customers in 2023
Scaled inbound to become the #1 pipeline source
Revenue marketing strategy & implementation from scratch
Implemented a holistic demand generation strategy
10X more pipeline in DACH
All-time high in inbound website requests after 6 months
Helped scale from 36 to over 250 employees

Revenue marketing revolutionizes your
Go-to-market strategy

In 2024, B2B buyers know exactly what they want & how they want to buy. And that doesn't include useless white papers or clickbait campaigns. Instead, they want to experience B2B companies and their products for free through captivating content.

Traditional GTM
modern GTM
Marketing serves sales
Marketing & sales build revenue
Target KPIs
Pipeline & revenue
Revenue Leverage
Add sales people
Add demand initiatives
Marketing Standing
Low, non-important
High, increasingly more important
Marketing is a cost center
Marketing is a revenue center

Leverage Revenue Marketing to Pipeline and profit

Our services create predictable demand for your B2B offer and turn it into pipeline and revenue. Goodbye, lead lottery.

emotionale Erlebnisse statt Lead-Lotterie

Demand creation

We create predictable demand for your B2B offer by using social media to tell your story.

Mehr Klicks statt mehr Kosten

Demand capture

We build an intent-based PPC setup to capture qualified demand with captivating content.

Daten statt Raten

Demand conversion

We turn demand into revenue by accelerating your pipeline through data-driven measures.

Revenue marketing lets Software Companies
grow efficiently

Headless CMS
Linz, Austria
Company size:
250+ FTE


  • Lack of resources and expertise to scale efficiently
  • Partner for hyperscaling was needed because setting up the in-house team would have taken too long

The solution

  • Generation of 2-digit HIRO pipeline deals per month
  • Winrate > 25%
  • Companies scaled from 36 to over 250 FTEs
  • Healthy CAC:LTV ratio
Video Creation
Paris, France
Company size:
260+ FTE


  • DACH expansion requires local expertise
  • Small team that needs strategic and operational help in the paid sector
  • Outbound sales did not achieve the goals and was inefficient

The solution

  • 10-fold pipeline increase in 9 months
  • Record revenue through revenue marketing
  • 25% winrate across all HIRO pipeline deals
  • Combination of direct response and long-term demand gen
B2B Sales AI
Berlin, Germany
Company size:
150+ FTE


  • Plateau in scaling achieved, resulting in unacceptable marketing efficiency
  • The cause of the worsening monthly results could not be identified
  • No measures initiated in-house have helped

The solution

  • Record month after a radical realignment of strategy through revenue marketing in just 3 months
  • Lead growth of 338%, CPL reduction of 42%
  • ROAS of 4.9 with just 45% more ad spend
Marketing automation
Berlin, Germany
Company size:
70 FTE


  • Growth slowed down by bottlenecks at the founder; lack of expertise and resources
  • A partner's need for scalable paid growth channels
  • Current measures and results were not efficient for further scaling

The solution

  • Pipeline generation tripled within 6 months
  • 25% pipeline winrate
  • CPL for demo campaigns cut in half
  • Complete implementation of a demand generation strategy
RPA / Automation
Berlin, Germany
Company size:
55 FTE


  • Complex product and conservative target group
  • Difficulty in reaching a target group that is not solution-aware
  • The need to create awareness and education

The solution

  • ROAS from 4 to 1
  • 43% lead to SQL
  • Generation of over 50% of the entire pipeline via inbound demand
Cloud Hosting
Münster, Germany
Company size:
50+ FTE


  • Deutlicher Traffic-Verlust: Raidboxes verlor 25% des organischen Traffics nach den Core Algorithm Updates 2023.
  • Ursachenanalyse: Die Herausforderung bestand darin, die Gründe für den Traffic-Einbruch zu ermitteln.

The solution

  • 30 % Wachstum in Organic und Paid
  • Senkung des CACs von 800 € auf 200 €
  • Zunahme der Sign-ups um 66%
  • Verbesserung des Rankings für das Money Keyword um 4 Plätze
Finances SAAS
Munich, Germany
Company size:
50 FTE


  • Focus on paid strategies: The priority was to implement must-haves at the paid level to generate solid revenue.
  • Generation of high-intent leads: The measures led to 20-30 high-intent leads, which booked and converted demos.

The solution

  • +80% closed-won MRR (2.9k in October → 4.8k € in February)
  • Reduce CPC by > 50%
  • 4x more contact creation via paid search with the same budget
  • Reduce CAC by > 50%

Why fast moving B2B Software Companies trust YOYABA

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No Trial & Error

Insights from 60+ B2B customer projects make pipeline and revenue predictable.

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Fast Execution

Best-in-class talent and operational excellence lead to extraordinary execution.

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Real Results

Radically prioritizing pipeline and revenue enables profitable growth at scale.

Your growth is Our calling

Impact instead of fake reports

We take 100% responsibility for your business results.

Data-driven excellence

No other agency in DACH can leverage data from 60+ B2B software projects.

Marketing focused on revenue

We don’t care about vanity metrics – our focus is pipeline and revenue.

LinkedIn Advertising Partner #1

No agency in DACH manages a higher LinkedIn advertising budget than us.

Proactive partner

As you know, there are reactive and proactive agencies. We are the latter.

Top-notch results

Testing and iteration lead to results that can’t be replicated.

A team of talents

Experts from all marketing disciplines work for your targets like clockwork.

Individual support

Easy communication via Slack enables responses within 4 hours on workdays.

listen to us AND ESPECIALLY to our customers

With 1 euro, we generated 4 euros in turnover

“By switching to the YOYABA Demand Gen. framework, we have significantly higher quality leads in the pipeline. ”

Markus Bimüller
Markus Bimüller
Head of Growth
50% of total pipeline through LinkedIn Ads

“LinkedIn had little impact on the pipeline before we started working with YOYABA. Now we generate about 50% of our total pipeline through LinkedIn Ads.”

Moritz Stern
Moritz Stern
Head of Strategy & Marketing
The collaboration with YOYABA goes far beyond the classic agency-client relationship.

“YOYABA is not only an execution-driven performance marketing partner for our primary channels Google & Linkedin, but also continuously delivers fresh ideas and valuable approaches to scale and internationalize our inbound marketing. As a fast-moving SaaS startup, I appreciate the agile, honest and uncomplicated collaboration with the entire team, in addition to the performance marketing competencies.”

Thomas Peham
Thomas Peham
VP Marketing
Tripled the number of opportunities in just 6 months.

“Through YOYABA, we were able to triple the number of opportunities within only 6 months, but most importantly, we were able to build a comprehensive set-up for further scaling. For the first time, we have a planning capability that also makes our investors happy.”

Dr. Thomas Lindemann
Dr. Thomas Lindemann
CEO & Co-Founder
They work with the best of the best in the B2B SaaS scale-up space.

“The sparring and exchange with YOYABA is particularly valuable, you really notice that they work with the best of the best in the B2B SaaS scale-up space. This is something I notice in every jour fix.”

Philipp Ströhemann
Philipp Ströhemann
Founder & CEO
High flexibility and outstanding content quality

“YOYABA really understands our product and delivers first-class content pieces. Besides the strong content marketing expertise, I also appreciate the flexible strategic support and the honest, uncomplicated exchange with the entire organic growth team. All in all, we could significantly increase our online visibility since we started collaborating.”

Joel Schneider
Joel Schneider
Co-Founder & CMO
I've never experienced that at an agency

“Every single point of contact with anyone at YOYABA is a 9.5/10 across the board and I have never experienced that with an agency. Probably not even 1% of all agencies can do that.”

Julius Komp
Julius Komp
Founder & CEO
Excellent Execution

“In my opinion, YOYABA is not a classic agency, but rather an indispensable partner that sees itself as part of our marketing organization and acts as such. The constant new input at strategic and operational levels, the high level of product understanding and the excellent execution have meant that we have been able to increase the value of our inbound pipeline tenfold in just a few months.”

Patrick Hollenbeck
Patrick Hollenbeck
Head of Marketing DACH

Problems that cost People, Pipeline, and Profit

Lack of resources

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    No experts in your organization

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    Qualified candidates are too expensive

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    No budget for dedicated in-house team

Lack of expertise

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    Demand creation is a complex topic

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    No reliable data publicly available

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    No experience in demand creation

Lagging agencies

  • Cross icon

    Low quality services

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    No foresight or strategic support

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    No holistic consulting approach

Insights that drive revenue for 60+ software companies

We believe in education at scale. That's why we share data and insights from 60+ projects with fast-moving B2B companies for free, including:


Our CEO, Tim, and VP Revenue Marketing, Matthis, reveal insights from their work with leading B2B players

Learn more

Ad library

Explore best-performing creatives that drive leads, pipeline, and revenue every week.


Discover our philosophy on revenue marketing and how we execute it for B2B companies.

Learn more

FAQ - Good to know

What makes YOYABA different from others? What is the USP?

Unlike other agencies, we are highly specialized and work exclusively with B2B software companies. All of our structures, strategies, tactics, frameworks, processes, and benchmarks are designed for companies like yours and have been perfected over the years. We've seen over 100 B2B SaaS & Tech accounts from the inside — no one in the DACH region can beat this experience.

What is the difference between revenue marketing by YOYABA and traditional marketing?

Traditional marketing often stops when a “lead” has been generated and takes over sales. Marketing only feels responsible for collecting leads — and what happens afterwards is not their responsibility. Revenue Marketing goes one step further and assumes responsibility for pipeline and revenue. Together with Sales, measures are taken until a deal is signed. More about this here in our podcast.

How much experience do you have with B2B SaaS and tech?

We have analysed over 100 B2B SaaS & Tech Accounts in depth in recent years. We are currently working with 60+ B2B SaaS & Tech Accounts. As a result, we learn 60x as fast as companies that only live in their own tunnel. Our customers benefit from these insights, data & experiences every day.

How can YOYABA help me significantly increase demand?

This is completely different depending on the target group, product, market maturity, etc. In order to be able to provide professional advice here, we have to look at your case individually. I like to book you Here is a free strategy call.

When does it make sense to work with YOYABA?

Usually, B2B software companies work with us for 3 specific reasons:

  1. When there is no internal expertise to achieve the high pipeline & revenue targets, to create and implement a demand generation framework or to implement seamless structures & processes for any revenue marketing discipline
  2. When in-house capacities of specialists in various areas such as creative strategy, creative production, media buying, revenue operations or content are missing
  3. When a company prefers to work long-term with an external agency (than to set up a large in-house team) that can take over all marketing — in order to remain flexible, save costs and move much faster
View more

How does the collaboration work?

It all starts with a detailed CRM & ad account analysis so that we get a deep understanding of your product, your company, your ICP and your overall go-to-market motion. We then create a revenue marketing concept by highlighting current inefficiencies, revenue opportunities and a specific action plan to achieve your goals. And then it's time for execution.

How long should a collaboration with YOYABA take?

On average, we work with our customers over 12 months and on a very long-term basis. The reason is that new challenges must be solved every month and higher goals must be achieved, which requires new innovative solutions time and again. Our customers appreciate our extensive experience. Nonetheless, we are also happy to support short-term projects, e.g. if there is a desire to implement many areas in-house in the medium to long term.

Which metrics does YOYABA use to measure the success of a collaboration?

We live differently from other agencies not Only ads managers and evaluate success based on CPLs, etc. We take responsibility for actual business results such as pipeline & revenue. For this reason, it is also essential that we have access to our customers' CRM. Only then can we assume revenue responsibility.

When will the first successes be felt at YOYABA?

This varies depending on the situation and service. The first small successes, such as an increased CTR or lower CPLs, are often visible in the first month of cooperation. Real business impact in the form of more pipeline & revenue usually takes a little longer and can be between 3 and 9+ months, depending on the existing foundation and sales cycle.

What is your pricing?

Our pricing, along with the associated services, can be found in detail on our pricing page.

Drive Demand, Pipeline and Revenue at scale

60+ B2B software companies create more qualified leads, pipeline, and revenue every week by following our unique approach and proven expertise. Click on the link below to book a strategy call today.

Strategy Call