Never worry about deine Inbound-Pipeline

Our best-in-class services streamline your marketing strategy
to create demand, qualified leads and revenue.

60+ B2B Software Companies trust us with their marketing budget
6€ in pipeline for every 1€ in spend
Changing the strategy from lead gen to revenue marketing
18% YoY growth of opportunities in DACH
Drove over $1.5 Mio. in pipeline via paid media in 6 months
133 B2B customers in 2023
Scaling inbound to become the #1 pipeline source
Urban Sports Club
Urban Sports Club
Bridging the gap between brand and demand
Bringing demand generation to the next level
Revenue marketing strategy & implementation from scratch
Implementing a holistic demand generation strategy
10X more pipeline in DACH
All-time high in inbound website requests after 6 months
Helped scaling from 36 to over 250 employees
New Work SE
New Work SE
Planning and creating Organic Social content for onlyfy by XING
Introducing Demand Creation framework
Increasing inbound ICP lead generation
Introducing inbound lead generation from scratch

Traditional Marketing

A black and white diagram with the words marketing, attention, interest, sales

modern Marketing

A black and blue business card with the words demand creation, demand capture, marketing

Revenue Marketing

Your marketing strategy is radically optimized for pipeline and revenue.

The combination of demand creation, demand capture, and demand conversion unleashes the full potential of revenue marketing. We leverage all strategic and operational levers to ensure your narrative continuously generates pipeline and revenue.

Our experts optimize your go-to-market model and adapt your creative strategy to the new demands of potential B2B buyers. Their strategic expertise and operational excellence streamline your B2B funnel for efficiency and profitability.

Revenue Marketing illustration

Demand Creation

Your strategic narrative positions you as a thought leader and nurtures interest through emotional storytelling on social media.

Demand Capture

We utilize all available data in creative advertising campaigns that address and resolve any questions or concerns potential customers may have.

Demand Conversion

The growing data foundation ensures that every step of your B2B marketing strategy has a profitable impact on pipeline and revenue.

The 5 principles of revenue marketing

Lightbulb icon
Principle 1
Buyers have the power, we must serve them
Target icon
Principle 2
Initiatives must drive pipeline and revenue, not just leads
Chart pie slice icon
Principle 3
The buyer’s journey is not linear and dark social is crucial
Gear icon
Principle 4
Only with hybrid attribution do we really know what works
Lightbulb icon
Principle 5
Educate buyers to create demand & generate hand-raisers

Demand Creation

B2B software companies can't guarantee constant demand for their services.

They need to actively create interest in the market to grow fast. This only works if they dive deep into the needs of potential buyers and address them with customized content.

Our Demand Creation team turns B2B software companies into thought leaders in their field, creating demand through content. You will work with experienced creative strategists as well as talents in content creation, media buying, and performance marketing.

Strategic storytelling

Your strategic narrative appeals to potential buyers across all digital channels because it is tailored to their needs and interests.

Emotional experiences

Educational content establishes you as a thought leader. Exciting content makes people buy into your strategic narrative.

Drive demand

Potential customers are so convinced by your strategic narrative that they become more and more interested in your offer.

Demand Capture

When your offer meets demand in the market, you need to capture it quickly and effectively.

This requires expertise in direct response, data analytics, PPC, and an efficient marketing setup. Turn demand into qualified leads without burning your budget.

Our best-in-class Demand Capture team uses sales psychology to create effective campaigns that drive demand. Their operational excellence prevents you from wasting demand and marketing budget on inefficient or outdated measures.

Demand Capture illustration

Strategic growth

Insights from 60+ B2B customer projects give you a strategic advantage over competitors that are still poking around in the dark.

Campaigns without clickbait

Your fine-tuned paid social campaigns reach just the right people and convince them that your offer is the only choice.

Truly qualified leads

Educational content at scale removes all doubt from potential buyers and convinces them to place that order.

Demand Conversion

A well-crafted customer journey and  efficient internal processes convert your captured demand to revenue.

After demand has been captured, it needs to be converted to revenue. The experience for the buyer must be frictionless and create trust. To achieve this, you need solid and well-designed processes for Marketing, Sales and Customer Success. Your CRM must be set up to enable your teams to do their best job.

Our Revenue Operations & CRM team optimizes your internal processes, platforms and human activities impacting the customer experience. We help you align GoToMarket department efforts, and ensure your plattforms generate qualitative & quantitative insights to support strategic decision-making.

Funnel design

A well-designed Marketing-Sales funnel is optimized for throughput, customer experience and analytics. Gain deeper insights and derive action items for improved conversion rates.

Solid CRM foundation

Your CRM is a crucial cornerstone of your business. We leverage expertise from 25+ B2B SaaS companies to set up your new, scalable and efficient CRM setup from scratch or optimize what is in place.

Attribution for efficient media spend

You have to connect GTM activities to revenue KPIs to make data-informed decisions. Maximize the return on your paid media investments by using our attribution frameworks designed for modern B2B SaaS.

Ready for Revenue Marketing? Let's Talk!

1. Strategy Call

Learn how we consistently drive pipeline and revenue for B2B software companies based on exclusive insights from 60+ customer projects. Let’s review your current marketing strategy and explore whether revenue marketing is right for you.

2. Revenue Marketing Concept

Dive deep into your individual revenue marketing roadmap that realizes your company's ambitious targets. Our best-in-class Revenue Marketing Team will show you the strategic measures that will grow your pipeline and revenue.

3. Kick-Off

Let’s bring your strategic narrative to life. After a few weeks, first data will show that your new B2B marketing strategy is actually generating qualified leads and filling your pipeline. Welcome to revenue marketing!

FAQ - Good to know

What makes YOYABA different from others? What is the USP?

Unlike other agencies, we are highly specialized and work exclusively with B2B software companies. All of our structures, strategies, tactics, frameworks, processes, and benchmarks are designed for companies like yours and have been perfected over the years. We've seen over 100 B2B SaaS & Tech accounts from the inside — no one in the DACH region can beat this experience.

What is the difference between revenue marketing by YOYABA and traditional marketing?

Traditional marketing often stops when a “lead” has been generated and takes over sales. Marketing only feels responsible for collecting leads — and what happens afterwards is not their responsibility. Revenue Marketing goes one step further and assumes responsibility for pipeline and revenue. Together with Sales, measures are taken until a deal is signed. More about this here in our podcast.

How much experience do you have with B2B SaaS and tech?

We have analysed over 100 B2B SaaS & Tech Accounts in depth in recent years. We are currently working with 60+ B2B SaaS & Tech Accounts. As a result, we learn 60x as fast as companies that only live in their own tunnel. Our customers benefit from these insights, data & experiences every day.

How can YOYABA help me significantly increase demand?

This is completely different depending on the target group, product, market maturity, etc. In order to be able to provide professional advice here, we have to look at your case individually. I like to book you Here is a free strategy call.

When does it make sense to work with YOYABA?

Usually, B2B software companies work with us for 3 specific reasons:

  1. When there is no internal expertise to achieve the high pipeline & revenue targets, to create and implement a demand generation framework or to implement seamless structures & processes for any revenue marketing discipline
  2. When in-house capacities of specialists in various areas such as creative strategy, creative production, media buying, revenue operations or content are missing
  3. When a company prefers to work long-term with an external agency (than to set up a large in-house team) that can take over all marketing — in order to remain flexible, save costs and move much faster
View more

How does the collaboration work?

It all starts with a detailed CRM & ad account analysis so that we get a deep understanding of your product, your company, your ICP and your overall go-to-market motion. We then create a revenue marketing concept by highlighting current inefficiencies, revenue opportunities and a specific action plan to achieve your goals. And then it's time for execution.

How long should a collaboration with YOYABA take?

On average, we work with our customers over 12 months and on a very long-term basis. The reason is that new challenges must be solved every month and higher goals must be achieved, which requires new innovative solutions time and again. Our customers appreciate our extensive experience. Nonetheless, we are also happy to support short-term projects, e.g. if there is a desire to implement many areas in-house in the medium to long term.

Which metrics does YOYABA use to measure the success of a collaboration?

We live differently from other agencies not Only ads managers and evaluate success based on CPLs, etc. We take responsibility for actual business results such as pipeline & revenue. For this reason, it is also essential that we have access to our customers' CRM. Only then can we assume revenue responsibility.

When will the first successes be felt at YOYABA?

This varies depending on the situation and service. The first small successes, such as an increased CTR or lower CPLs, are often visible in the first month of cooperation. Real business impact in the form of more pipeline & revenue usually takes a little longer and can be between 3 and 9+ months, depending on the existing foundation and sales cycle.

What is your pricing?

Our pricing, along with the associated services, can be found in detail on our pricing page.

Drive Demand, Pipeline and Revenue at scale

60+ B2B software companies create more qualified leads, pipeline, and revenue every week by following our unique approach and proven expertise. Click on the link below to book a strategy call today.

Strategy Call